Spot Price

Created at 29 Sep 2017, 00:43
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Joined 17.08.2017

Spot Price
29 Sep 2017, 00:43

Dear Spotware,

Could you please advise on How to get the Spot Price via FIX ? Here is the situation:

1) We place STOP Order

2) At some point the Order gets executed and the Position is opened 

3) Due to market conditions the price we get can differ significantly from the price we wanted

So we need to somehow understand the price the trade was opened at. As far as we can see in cTrader it is called Spot Price. 

Yet we cannot find any way how to retrieve this price. Could you please advise ? 

Thank you in advance, Alex

29 Sep 2017, 09:51

Hi Alex,

Spot Prices at any moment are the highest Bid price and the lowest Ask price. If you need to retrieve these prices using FIX, you can use the Market Data Request. However, from what I understand from your questions, what you need is the deal's filled price and not the spot price. The filled price is a volume weighted average price (VWAP) and might be different to spot price due to available liquidity and market depth and. Each deal's filled price can be retrieved in the Execution Report message which is sent by cServer after a position is opened. You can find it in Tag 6. If you then need to get the positions opening prices, you can use Request For Positions message which will generate a Position Report. In the Position Report, tag 730 is the average price of the opened volume for the position.

Let me know if this clarifies the situation for you.

Best Regards,

