Market Range Order

Created at 04 Aug 2017, 11:45
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Joined 07.08.2015

Market Range Order
04 Aug 2017, 11:45

Does FIX API support " Market Range " order ? A Market order with determinate value to avoid excessive slippage ?

For Reference :



04 Aug 2017, 12:22

Dear michael00,

Thanks for posting your question in the forum. Currently, FIX API does not support market range in the New Order Single message. In case this is added in the future, we will inform you accordingly.

Best Regards,

cTrader Team


04 Aug 2017, 16:53

Hi michael00,

You can use Limit order with small expiration timeout and minimum acceptable price. Thus, the order will be either filled with execution price not worse than specified or expired/cancelled if the price is unavailable.


04 Aug 2017, 17:43

EOL about your kind of order, is that a pending order or the execution is immediate like in a Market order ?


05 Aug 2017, 09:22

Anyway which is the order to have a slippage protection like in the C Trader platform, maximum deviation ?

And is there any way to cancel the order if I'm not filled after X milliseconds ?


07 Aug 2017, 11:14


michael00 said:

EOL about your kind of order, is that a pending order or the execution is immediate like in a Market order ?

Theoretically it is a pending order, but if requested price already satisfies market it will be sent for execution immediate. Otherwise it will be stored for pending execusion and will be expired at specified expiration time.

By setting expiration timestamp close to sending timestamp you give the server no choice other than execute an order immediate or cancel it.

Of cause if Spotware support IOC/FOK for limit orders it would be much easier to maintain this


07 Aug 2017, 15:10

I have to test it, I mean some brokers that does not support Limit IOC orders want Limit Order with price better than current market price ( like a standard limit order pending )

and in case the price you put is worst they reject the order, I think that this is what happens in Ctrader Fix Account... order will be rejected.

Just strange that Ctrader platform has a sort of execution quality control and FIX API not !


07 Aug 2017, 15:23

well... test it, this is the only way :)

But keep in mind that according to the latest Spotware's FIX API specification whatever value you put in TimeInForce, it will be ignored and redefined according to Spotware's order flow: IOC for market orders, GTC for pendings without expiration timestamp, GTD for pendings with expiration timestamp