Open Trade at specific time

Created at 09 Jul 2017, 14:14
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Joined 06.05.2014

Open Trade at specific time
09 Jul 2017, 14:14

Is there a way to send an order through to only open at a certain time, lets say 2pm GMT to open?


18 Jul 2017, 10:30

Dear davidp13,

Thanks for your question. From what we understand, you need a Good After Time (GAT) order. Currently, GAT order is not available in FIX API. We can consider adding this order type in the future. In the meanwhile, isn't this possible to automate this on your side and just send the order at the desired time?

Best Regards,

cTrader Team

17 Aug 2017, 23:08


Spotware said:

Dear davidp13,

Thanks for your question. From what we understand, you need a Good After Time (GAT) order. Currently, GAT order is not available in FIX API. We can consider adding this order type in the future. In the meanwhile, isn't this possible to automate this on your side and just send the order at the desired time?

Best Regards,

cTrader Team

Dear Spotware,

As I have a related question I decided to reply here to keep it related. The issue is actually about placing SL/TP If the order is placed externally as you suggest (I assume via FIX) could you please let me know how to place SL/TP to that trade as well ? Thank you in advance!