Why show error?

Created at 29 Mar 2017, 16:02
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Joined 19.07.2014

Why show error?
29 Mar 2017, 16:02


How connect with SSL to FIX API ? (I know where is example whitout ssl)

Why I cant connect to server?


29 Mar 2017, 16:33

Hi mindbreaker,

It would be easier for someone to help you if you could share the code or at least if the exception message was in English.


29 Mar 2017, 16:44


Spotware said:

Hi mindbreaker,

It would be easier for someone to help you if you could share the code or at least if the exception message was in English.

Dear Spotware ,

Your specialists should and without it be able to answer in a few minutes for this simple question :P and with closed eyes.

Or where is example with FIX SSL (working)?

If you do not see such an example this week I'm not coming in here anymore.

Thanks and bye.


29 Mar 2017, 17:17

Hi mindbreaker,

The forum exists mostly for community members to help each other. Therefore if you want to get speedy answers from the community, you need to be as clear as possible, else noone will be able to help you. Spotware staff usually intervenes only when some questions are very specific and cannot be answered by the community. Our specialists are currently occupied building and maintaining wonderful software therefore it might take some time to take an answer from them, especially when they don't have enough information to understand the problem.

Regarding the sample using SSL it will come soon but we can not provide a date.


29 Mar 2017, 17:29


Spotware said:

Hi mindbreaker,

The forum exists mostly for community members to help each other. Therefore if you want to get speedy answers from the community, you need to be as clear as possible, else noone will be able to help you. Spotware staff usually intervenes only when some questions are very specific and cannot be answered by the community. Our specialists are currently occupied building and maintaining wonderful software therefore it might take some time to take an answer from them, especially when they don't have enough information to understand the problem.

Regarding the sample using SSL it will come soon but we can not provide a date.

Thanks for your explanation.



30 Mar 2017, 17:55

Have you tried your code with Spotware account? I can't connect to h20.p.ctrader.com:5211 neither, maybe the problem is only with this one server.


30 Mar 2017, 19:10


#EOL said:

Have you tried your code with Spotware account? I can't connect to h20.p.ctrader.com:5211 neither, maybe the problem is only with this one server.

Works on h23
