Message 2 Rejected: Required tag missing (Field=17)

Created at 03 Jan 2017, 23:59
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Joined 11.12.2016

Message 2 Rejected: Required tag missing (Field=17)
03 Jan 2017, 23:59

The order is done normally but i can't see ExecutionReport by reject


<outgoing> 8=FIX.4.4 9=134 35=D 34=2 49=pepperstone.3179092 52=20170103-21:50:46.712 56=cServer 11=5 38=1000 40=2 44=1.0 54=1 55=1 59=6 60=20170103-21:50:46.701 10=229 
<incoming> 8=FIX.4.4 9=178 35=8 34=2 49=cServer 50=Trade 52=20170103-21:50:45.402 56=pepperstone.3179092 11=5 14=0 37=25342513 38=1000 39=0 40=2 44=1 54=1 55=1 59=1 60=20170103-21:50:45.237 150=0 151=1000 10=151 
<event> Message 2 Rejected: Required tag missing (Field=17)



04 Jan 2017, 08:37

Open your FIX44.xml Dictionary and serach for ExecType , It should be Line 1232 and change the Required="Y" to Required="N"

Basically what's happening here is Your Side is rejecting the incomplete message sent by the Fix Server ! 

So , you simply force it to accept the message . 

I havn't tested if you can change this in the Settings file , it may work 




04 Jan 2017, 11:22


cyfer said:

Open your FIX44.xml Dictionary and serach for ExecType , It should be Line 1232 and change the Required="Y" to Required="N"

Basically what's happening here is Your Side is rejecting the incomplete message sent by the Fix Server ! 

So , you simply force it to accept the message . 

I havn't tested if you can change this in the Settings file , it may work 



I solved the problem.
Thank you.
