Cannot open two sessions
Cannot open two sessions
21 Oct 2016, 00:21
Hi Support,
I observe unexpected behavior of FIX server, once I have Price Connection open, Trade Connection immediately dropped once I am sending Logon message.
For both connections (5211/5212) I am using SSL and exact the same Logon message format.
Once one of connections are closed, second connection may be established.
Please help to understand what I am doing wrong.
27 Dec 2016, 19:30
As far as I understand, FIX uses a set of SenderCompID, TargetCompID, TargetSubID and SenderSubID to identify FIX session, thus for each sessions this set should be unique, and according to cTrader FIX spec, SenderSubID could be any string.
Just generate any uniq string before logon and use it as SenderSubID
24 Oct 2016, 17:20
Hi Support,
The problem looks more serious. If connection dropped brutally, (modem/router power loss/…) Client cannot reconnect to FIX server for 1-2 min.
Could you provide your comments, please?