New Rules of Engagement v2.7

Created at 28 Sep 2016, 22:42
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Joined 14.05.2013

New Rules of Engagement v2.7
28 Sep 2016, 22:42

I just noticed a new version of the cTrader FIX Engine, Rules of Engagement (i used v 2.5 up to now)

Looking at the table of contents, nothing obvious has changed

Just scanned thru docs visually and changes on: (this may not be an exhaustive list)

Order Status Request (MsgType(35)=H) - Symbol removed


And well .. a bit underwhelmed ..


29 Sep 2016, 17:01

New Rules of Engagement v2.7


There are no major updates in here. We have just updated a few items. 

1. New Order Single (MsgType(35)=D) 

2. Tag 55 [Symbol] was marked as not required. It is required. 
