FIX Trade Functionality insufficient

Created at 30 Aug 2016, 03:31
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Joined 14.05.2013

FIX Trade Functionality insufficient
30 Aug 2016, 03:31

Am happy i understand the operation and limits of the FIX price feed (my report re DOM on some brokers not withstanding) but the trade capabilities have confounded me ..


I can raise an order (tested market & limit, but i can not close/cancel it full or partially with OrderCancelReplaceRequest or OrderCancelRequestFIX messages

I have tested with Market & Limit orders, to no avail 

I also tried specifying a Stop Price on the order, but it was rejected


So .

1. How do i close/cancel part or whole of the order and/or position
2. How do i specify a stop loss and/or a take profit
Are any other order types supported . e.g. BUY_STOP or SELL_STOP
4. Can i modify alter limit prices ?


Without further functionality the trade API is a bit toothless !!



30 Aug 2016, 11:29

Dear Trader, 

Please be advised that FIX protocol has a certain level of limitations, due to the fact it was created for all the financial industry with very specific purposes. You can read more about it here

With FIX API you cannot access any functions that are available in cTrader platform, there is no way Spotware can extend its functional since the protocol is developed and supported by FIX Protocol Limited (FPL).

Although, Spotware provides its own trading API, which provides an access to different functions not available in FIX Protocol. Follow this link to learn more  


30 Aug 2016, 12:53


Everything in the link you provided is valid to some degree. However the functionality i mentioned is not part of that list and is considered the minimal functionality required for a viable TRADE link

The FIX protocol WAS implemented in a manner that allowed interpretation of the protocol. There are many trading feeds out there that successfully and effectively layer the the trading functionality onto FIX protocol - each is slightly different and the role of a "connector" is generally to implement that mapping of functionailty

Spotware said:

Dear Trader, 

Please be advised that FIX protocol has a certain level of limitations, due to the fact it was created for all the financial industry with very specific purposes. You can read more about it here 

With FIX API you cannot access any functions that are available in cTrader platform, there is no way Spotware can extend its functional since the protocol is developed and supported by FIX Protocol Limited (FPL).

Although, Spotware provides its own trading API, which provides an access to different functions not available in FIX Protocol. Follow this link to learn more  

