All indicators not working after cTrader Web update on 19 Aug 21

Created at 20 Aug 2021, 11:02
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Joined 20.08.2021

All indicators not working after cTrader Web update on 19 Aug 21
20 Aug 2021, 11:02

Need help! All indicators not working since cTrader Web update on 19 Aug 21. Any solution? (Pic: Indicators stopped shown after vertical cursor line)



21 Aug 2021, 03:28

RE: Same thing here PVT indicator does NOT update at all & is useless after last Ctrader update on Chrome browser! Please reply with fix asap Spotware??

ctid4533043 said:

Need help! All indicators not working since cTrader Web update on 19 Aug 21. Any solution? (Pic: Indicators stopped shown after vertical cursor line)




23 Aug 2021, 11:25

Hi ctid4533043,

Can you please provide a complete screenshot of cTrader Web including the symbol, timeframe and indicator name so that we can investigate further?

Best Regards,


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