choose own colours for bid ask lines, and better Y scale price scaling.

Created at 05 Feb 2021, 01:47
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Joined 21.10.2015

choose own colours for bid ask lines, and better Y scale price scaling.
05 Feb 2021, 01:47

was hoping to choose our own colours for bid ask lines, easier to see and quicker to deleniate the differences in bid ask versus stop loss and entry price lines, when prices close to bid ask in daytrading, scalping. everything is just red and green and that gets confusing.

also, a better y scale to be able to visualize price shifts better on the grid (tradingview example below).  so as you drag Y scale up and down price grid changes in neat jumps, 2pip, 5, 10, 15, 20, 50, 100 pip blocks etc, in this example each price grid jump is 50 pips.

also would be nice to see the screen rendering of price levels on the right side against the Y scale (like tradingview) instead of all the way to the left, on a big screen my head keeps swivelling left and right like a tennis match to see the price tag. Or place the actual price in the screen tab on the left, (at the moment if you click and hold that tab the price will pop up) but I`d rather just see it without having to do that extra step. I know how many lots i`m trading I`d rather know the price immediately on the chart without having my tradeWatch window open.


place price here as well. 


05 Feb 2021, 09:11

Hi EagleMoxy,

You should be using the Suggestions section to post suggestions.

Best Regards,


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