Autoscrolling to past trades when clicked on

Created at 15 Feb 2020, 15:33
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Joined 28.11.2018

Autoscrolling to past trades when clicked on
15 Feb 2020, 15:33

When I go to my history view for my weekly or monthly review, I want the charts to scroll to the time of the trade that I click on in the history list and not having to scroll there manually each time. It would also be helpful if this behaviour is synced across all charts we have symbol-linked up with the same letter (A through H).


My setup is 3 charts next to each other, all three different time frames, but the same symbol (all linked through letter A). So when I want to review my trades, I click on them in my history list and then I want all those three charts to auto scroll to that trade. The auto switching all three charts does work when clicking on any particular trade in the history list (due to the linking) but having to manually find the trade in each chart is very tedious. 

I think, for many of us, it would be a massive time saver if implemented in the manner described above. 


17 Feb 2020, 09:20

Hi GlenHendriks,

Please post your suggestions in the Suggestions section of the forum.

Best Regards,


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