Drawings Keep Disappearing

Created at 20 Feb 2019, 07:43
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Joined 28.11.2018

Drawings Keep Disappearing
20 Feb 2019, 07:43

Anytime I have made drawings of objects like trendlines, boxes, horzizontal lines etc. they get lost, move or (mostly) disappear all tothether. 

Whenever I made drawings in one workspace and then later reload that workspace on another computer, the drawings are gone. This also happens when I reload the workspace on the same computer. Why does this happen? It's a real pain to have to redraw everything in every single time. 

And sometimes there will be objects listed in the objects list pertaining to a symbol in that workspace but those objects are nowhere to be found on the chart...

Would be nice if drawings would be locked and cloud synced so we don't lose them.

Is the current behaviour a feature or a bug?


20 Feb 2019, 10:04

Hi Glen,

Drawing should be saved in your workspace. I cannot reproduce such behavior on my computer. Can you send us more information that could help us reproduce this issue like recording a short video demonstrating what steps you follow when it happens?

Best Regards,



28 Feb 2019, 07:36


Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi Glen,

Drawing should be saved in your workspace. I cannot reproduce such behavior on my computer. Can you send us more information that could help us reproduce this issue like recording a short video demonstrating what steps you follow when it happens?

Best Regards,


I see what was happening. Any drawing I make to any symbol get's displayed in the object list of any chart of any symbol regardless of wether the object belongs to that chart/symbol. 

This is confusing. Also when I select remove all from the objects list it removes all objects and drawings I made on any symbol/chart. Not just the one I have open at that moment (which is what I want). 

I don't see the benefit of collecting all drawings made for all symbols in the object list like that... Why not save/attach the drawings to each symbol and have the object list reflect that for that perticular symbol? 


28 Feb 2019, 12:51

Hi Glen,

This is not how it should work. The object list displays only objects of belonging to the specific chart. I tried this on a couple of cTrader versions and works fine. Can you provide us exact steps to reproduce this behavior and maybe some screenshots/videos to see the problem?

Best Regards,



01 Mar 2019, 06:37

Hi, Glen,

Are you use the ClickAlgo Market Clock as this had a known issue that has been fixed.




01 Mar 2019, 08:10

Let's point out at this stage here that I am talking about cTrader web. To be specific the IC Markets cTrader Web version.


01 Mar 2019, 09:35

Hi Glen,

Should work the same way for both. I checked on cTrader Web but still seems ok. If you have exact steps to reproduce, please let us know to have a look at this.

Best Regards,



01 Mar 2019, 12:40


Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi Glen,

Should work the same way for both. I checked on cTrader Web but still seems ok. If you have exact steps to reproduce, please let us know to have a look at this.

Best Regards,




I have both and MP4 and a GIF file ready to upload, but the forum won't let me upload it (can't send it to the server).


01 Mar 2019, 12:42

Hi Glen,

Send it to community@spotware.com

Best Regards,



01 Mar 2019, 12:45


Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi Glen,

Send it to community@spotware.com

Best Regards,


Done. Cheers.


01 Mar 2019, 14:45

Hi Glen,

Thanks I have seen the video. Your description was a bit confusing. The objects do not stay on the list for any chart and any symbol. The drawings stay on the list only when you change symbol on the same chart. The chart objects/indicators apply to the chart itself and not to a chart/symbol combination. If you need a clean chart and a separate set of chart objects/indicators, you can create a new chart.

Best Regards,



01 Mar 2019, 18:07


Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi Glen,

Thanks I have seen the video. Your description was a bit confusing. The objects do not stay on the list for any chart and any symbol. The drawings stay on the list only when you change symbol on the same chart. The chart objects/indicators apply to the chart itself and not to a chart/symbol combination. If you need a clean chart and a separate set of chart objects/indicators, you can create a new chart.

Best Regards,



Thank you for taking the time. I see... That is just not a logical wat to do it in my opinion. But that is because I am very used to TradingView for charting. Drawings can be locked (so thet can't be moved) and drawings stay locked to the symbol, not the workspace.


09 Mar 2019, 09:15


GlenHendriks said:

Anytime I have made drawings of objects like trendlines, boxes, horzizontal lines etc. they get lost, move or (mostly) disappear all tothether. 

Whenever I made drawings in one workspace and then later reload that workspace on another computer, the drawings are gone. This also happens when I reload the workspace on the same computer. Why does this happen? It's a real pain to have to redraw everything in every single time. 

And sometimes there will be objects listed in the objects list pertaining to a symbol in that workspace but those objects are nowhere to be found on the chart...

Would be nice if drawings would be locked and cloud synced so we don't lose them.

Is the current behaviour a feature or a bug?

Coming back to this original issue. I see that the drawings were not dissapearing but actually all defaulted to a white color (when previously I had them all colored red, purple or blue) whenever I switched between accounts or workspaces. Causing them to totally blend in with my white background.

The thing is, this happens sporadically and not every single time I switch either account or chart layout. However it remains highly inconvenient when it does happen. 


19 Nov 2019, 11:52

issue with drawings disappearing

Hi , 

I am saving some drawings on different charts in the same workplace.

I only use web ctrader.

However, I have found that Some drawings just disappear after a few days, while drawings on other charts still remain.

Also, the viewing preference ( I had removed grid spearators ) also reverted back on these charts sometimes ( charts where the drawings went missing)

I have sent a mail to you at community@spotware.com with the screenshot of the same chart ( in same workspace) across a couple of days.

Please let me know the following :

1. Is there some way I can save my drawings on the charts for as long as I need or do the drawings go away after some time?

2. If it is possible, please let me know what steps I need to take for this.





05 Feb 2020, 14:10

RE: issue with drawings disappearing

Hi Rishabh & Glen

Having the same issues.. you guys found a way to save the chart drawings?


06 Feb 2020, 11:29


GlenHendriks said:

GlenHendriks said:

Coming back to this original issue. I see that the drawings were not dissapearing but actually all defaulted to a white color (when previously I had them all colored red, purple or blue) whenever I switched between accounts or workspaces. Causing them to totally blend in with my white background.

The thing is, this happens sporadically and not every single time I switch either account or chart layout. However it remains highly inconvenient when it does happen. 


Indeed the drawings are saved but not displayed. In this case just two trendlines out of many others. But not because of having the same color as the background, just not being shown. Any hints?



25 Mar 2020, 23:34 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:21 )


Hi traders, just landed here looking for a solution to the same 'line disappearing issue'. I have realised in my cTrader the lines are saved however they all move to the same exact location so only one is visible (and you can see it only if located somewhere visible on the screen). Anyone got any idea of how to fix this? I literally have to reposition lines each time I refresh the page or re-open my laptop, it's such a time-waster.



thi80 said:

GlenHendriks said:

GlenHendriks said:

Coming back to this original issue. I see that the drawings were not dissapearing but actually all defaulted to a white color (when previously I had them all colored red, purple or blue) whenever I switched between accounts or workspaces. Causing them to totally blend in with my white background.

The thing is, this happens sporadically and not every single time I switch either account or chart layout. However it remains highly inconvenient when it does happen. 


Indeed the drawings are saved but not displayed. In this case just two trendlines out of many others. But not because of having the same color as the background, just not being shown. Any hints?




26 Mar 2020, 14:08

Hi elenigna,

Is it possible to record a short video demonstrating the steps you are following to reproduce this behavior?

Best Regards,


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