Linking Accounts to Ctid

Created at 01 Jun 2016, 14:17
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Joined 29.05.2016

Linking Accounts to Ctid
01 Jun 2016, 14:17



I'm with Pepperstone and have 10 accounts which I want to link into my CTid.


Currently, when I start my cTrader and log into my CTid account it only shows two of my ten accounts with cloud symbols, it shows the other eight accounts as not being linked, yet they are linked!  


I have been into cMirror and linked and relinked these accounts but this has made no difference.


Please advise asap as I have spent a day wrestling with this with no luck.






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01 Jun 2016, 14:45



Yes I've added all my accounts this way yet on the ctrader trading platform only two of the accounts show up as cloud based. The other eight are showing that they are not linked yet in cmirror they are all linked.


Any ideas?


