Hedged versus netted accounts and commissions

Created at 29 Apr 2016, 03:14
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Stokes Bay

Joined 18.04.2016

Hedged versus netted accounts and commissions
29 Apr 2016, 03:14

I understand most brokers only offer hedged accounts. Do any offer netted?

My issue with hedge accounts is that I pay round-trip commission on both the original trade and the hedging trade. I presume this is under the control of the broker but i do not want to pay double commission just to use hedging.

At the moment i use a hedge account and use the partial-close function in ctrader but being able to have a netting account and therefore manage positions separately would be a real help.



@Stokes Bay

29 Apr 2016, 20:35


Paul Cookson said:

I understand most brokers only offer hedged accounts. Do any offer netted?

My issue with hedge accounts is that I pay round-trip commission on both the original trade and the hedging trade. I presume this is under the control of the broker but i do not want to pay double commission just to use hedging.

At the moment i use a hedge account and use the partial-close function in ctrader but being able to have a netting account and therefore manage positions separately would be a real help.



I know of only one boker that offers the netted version of Ctrader , but lately only in demo


03 May 2016, 14:52


Dear Trader,

We kindly ask you to contact your Broker regarding this.

Any questions regarding execution, prices, price feed, spread, news, account, account credentials, adding Symbols, Symbols should be addressed to your Broker.

In addition, we would like to inform you not to post Broker related questions on this forum as Broker related discussions are prohibited in this forum. 

Paul Cookson said:

I understand most brokers only offer hedged accounts. Do any offer netted?

My issue with hedge accounts is that I pay round-trip commission on both the original trade and the hedging trade. I presume this is under the control of the broker but i do not want to pay double commission just to use hedging.

At the moment i use a hedge account and use the partial-close function in ctrader but being able to have a netting account and therefore manage positions separately would be a real help.






22 Jun 2016, 01:42

Have the same issue.

Maybe this helps


Scroll down to close groups of positions 

This feature works only in cTrader web version !
