Closing hedged orders

Created at 19 Apr 2016, 20:00
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Stokes Bay

Joined 18.04.2016

Closing hedged orders
19 Apr 2016, 20:00

How do i close hedged orders in ctrader once the full opening order is hedged/ closed?


In MT4 you right click on the larger position and can choose to offset against the smaller opposing hedge positions.


@Stokes Bay

20 Apr 2016, 17:22

Dear Trader,

Could you please provide us with more information regarding your question, or rephrase it?

Unfortunately, we are not sure we understand what you mean.


Stokes Bay
20 Apr 2016, 19:20 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:20 )

Thanks, sorry for not being clear.

I have used MT4 and lets say i go long 5 lots. I want to scale out so i short 1 lot 5 times at each level i want to exit on.

In MT4 i am not partial closing but opening new contra orders. I can then right click and chose modify and offset the opening position with the new one - see below screenshot from MT4.

In ctrader can i only enter take profit orders when hedging? I cannot enter new orders and offset them?

Obviously i can open new orders and then close the orders but this will double commissions.

I am not making this about MT4 as i would prefer to use your software but just exploring how to use it.


t click on a position in the MT4 terminal and chose Modify and cancel out the original position

@Stokes Bay

22 Apr 2016, 10:37

Dear Trader,

We don't provide users with the ability to offset orders in the way you described. We will consider providing it in the future. Stay tuned. 

Additionally, you can post your ideas/suggestions to


22 Jun 2016, 01:50

Have the same issue.


Maybe this helps


Scroll down to close groups of positions 


This feature works only in cTrader web version !
