Log-IN in two cTRADER ID on differnt Broker platform on same computer
Log-IN in two cTRADER ID on differnt Broker platform on same computer
28 Jan 2016, 10:45
Dear Spotware,
earlier cTRADER allowed me to log-IN with two different cTRADER ID on two different Brokers cTrader platform. Like I use "GoldnOil750" for FxPro and "GoldnOil1050" for Roboforex.
This way I could manage email alerts and other few settings of different different brokers on same machine. BUT NOW, cTRADER does not allow this. And soon if I try to log-in another Broker cTRADER Platform with another cTRADER ID, it automatically logs me out on all Brokers cTRADER platform (running on same machine).
Please resolve this issue as many TRADERS will like to keep different cTRADER ID for different Brokers to keep tracking simple. Waiting for your positive reply, Thank you !!