Login Support

Created at 11 Dec 2015, 00:27
How’s your experience with the cTrader Platform?
Your feedback is crucial to cTrader's development. Please take a few seconds to share your opinion and help us improve your trading experience. Thanks!


Joined 07.04.2015

Login Support
11 Dec 2015, 00:27

I installed cTrader on my new laptop. I can see my name in the upper right corner of the platform. When I go to sign in to my account I'm told that my account number is incorrect. 

Where can I go to verify my account number. I'm almost 100% sure I'm using the correct one.

Thank you.




11 Dec 2015, 12:46

Dear Trader,

Please contact your Broker regarding any account queries.

In case you have a demo account by Spotware, please send an email to feedback@spotware.com.


11 Dec 2015, 20:07

This post was removed by moderator.



11 Dec 2015, 22:23


This post was removed by moderator.

