CCI Price Calculation

Created at 21 Aug 2015, 11:56
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Joined 26.03.2015

CCI Price Calculation
21 Aug 2015, 11:56

Hi Spotware,

What is the formula for how cTrader is calculating CCI?

Is it using close, median, typical price, weighted close, etc..? In MT4, for example, there are multiple options available to calculate price, but none of them match what I see in cTrader at all.

Neither can I seem to get my calculations in excel to match whats showing in the platform (using this a a guide, while my calculations do match what I see in MT4.

Please advise.





01 Sep 2015, 23:20

Dear Trader,

We do not provide source code of our standard indicators.

Many users upload their Indicators/cBots in cTDN. You can try to find a CCI Indicator that suits your needs in Indicators library. If you cannot find it there you can also contact one of our Partners for further help or post a job in Development Jobs section. You could also try to create your own CCI indicator.


30 Oct 2015, 21:18


I'm not asking for the source code, I just want to know what price it's using, i.e. open,close, weighted close etc?

This shouldn't be a secret, I'm just wondering how to interpret the results, especially as I don't see it correlating with any other setup I have seen in other platforms.


Spotware said:

Dear Trader,

We do not provide source code of our standard indicators.

Many users upload their Indicators/cBots in cTDN. You can try to find a CCI Indicator that suits your needs in Indicators library. If you cannot find it there you can also contact one of our Partners for further help or post a job in Development Jobs section. You could also try to create your own CCI indicator.

