cTrader runaway RAM usage. Computer unresponsive. How do I do a clean restart?

Created at 28 Aug 2024, 18:54
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Joined 11.08.2024

cTrader runaway RAM usage. Computer unresponsive. How do I do a clean restart?
28 Aug 2024, 18:54

I was coding a really simple indicator, like 5 lines of code, just a simple text box, and suddenly the cTrader process started gobbling up all the RAM on my computer.

It went all the way up to 21G RAM usage, and I had to force restart Windows because everything froze.

After the reboot I restart cTrader, and it does EXACTLY THE SAME THING. It uses so much memory that Windows freezes.

I cannot start cTrader any more at all. 

Every time I start it it gobbles up all available RAM and Windows freezes because of it.

How do I reset my installation without losing my code? 

Is there a startup option so it does not synchronize the workspace from the network?

I think the workspace is corrupt, and when it loads the workspace from the network, it goes haywire.

Please help. I have open trades which I cannot mange at all now.

Thank you.



29 Aug 2024, 05:35

Hi there,

Just save your code in a txt file, delete the indicator and restart your cTrader. Check if your indicator was the source of the problem.

Best regards,



29 Aug 2024, 08:32 ( Updated at: 29 Aug 2024, 09:42 )

You will most certainly have a cBot or indicator-consuming memory, I would remove all of them and add each one until you find out the culprit. You can also download a 14-day trial of the cTrader memory manager tool to help you.

