Market Replay sometimes unresponsive

Created at 26 Jun 2024, 18:20
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Joined 26.06.2024

Market Replay sometimes unresponsive
26 Jun 2024, 18:20


I am doing extensive backtesting to further optimize my skillset.

Therefore I use the market replay. Sometimes the replay gets very unresponsive. If I advance for one candle manually it takes sometimes 30 seconds for something to happen. Other times, it happens immediately. I can not really see why that is. I tried to vary a few things, like timeframe and the point in time I am going back to. The timeframe seems to make a difference most of the time, but I am trading on the 4h chart mainly and I want to use that one in backtesting too. 1h seems to work better in the replay, though. I do not use any inidicators at all.

Sometimes everything is fine. This seems to be even more prominent on my desktop PC with a Ryzen 7 2700X CPU, whereas my laptop only has a mobile I5 10xxx (dont recall the exact model right now).

I am using tick data, I dont know if m1 makes a difference. But m1 is out of the equation because I am creating large spreadsheets with my results for analyzing what I am doing right and what not, and I want to have the spread, swaps and commissions included there.

I am using the newest version of ctrader (I believe 5.0.25) but it has been present on the last couple of versions, too.

Could anyone point me in the right direction?

Thank you so much in advance.




27 Jun 2024, 12:16

Hi there,

Could you please send us some troubleshooting information the next time this happens? Please paste a link to this discussion inside the text box before you submit it.

Best regards,

