Ctrader issue

Created at 23 Jun 2024, 09:33
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Joined 09.10.2023

Ctrader issue
23 Jun 2024, 09:33

I have an issue with Ctrader 5. It looks like it uses every ounce of my cpu and it lags until it freezes. I wanted to use the old version (4.9.2), but backtesting does not work on it. I tried uninstalling and re-installing both versions, I followed all the steps recommended by the website, but still…Version 5 lags and version 4.9.2 doesn't to backtesting. I have a brand new laptop, which is not exactly high spec, but it does very well. AMD Ryzen 7000 series, AMD Radeon graphics and 16gb Ram. Any suggestions on what to do? I really liked the old version of ctrader, but if I can make the new one run smoothly it would be ok.


26 Jun 2024, 07:39 ( Updated at: 26 Jun 2024, 08:05 )

This issue with freezing while back testing has been reported by others. 

There's also separate threads of the new cTrader ‘freezing’ just running cBots.

It was raised the end of May (nearly a month ago as of this post), and Spotware has yet to resolve the problem. 

Other threads:







26 Jun 2024, 08:31

Hi there,

Could you please send us some troubleshooting information the next time this happens? Please paste a link to this discussion inside the text box before you submit it.

Best regards,

