Ctrader 5 Optimization Performance

Created at 17 Jun 2024, 06:41
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Tarek.ElRaey's avatar


Joined 02.07.2023

Ctrader 5 Optimization Performance
17 Jun 2024, 06:41

Hi Team,

Has anyone noticed a decline in Ctrader 5's optimization performance? It used to take me an hour, but now it takes four hours or more. Is there a plan to address this issue? I'm using a 56-core server with 256 GB RAM, so it's not a hardware problem.


17 Jun 2024, 07:07

Hi Tarek,

One of the changes in cTrader 5.0 is that the data for all passes is kept. So if your cBot is printing too much information in the log, this could eventually hinder the performance of optimization

Best regards,

