I'm missing the KeyUp event or, alternatively, access to the status of the Shift, Alt, and Ctrl keys.

Created at 24 May 2024, 09:34
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Joined 25.03.2022

I'm missing the KeyUp event or, alternatively, access to the status of the Shift, Alt, and Ctrl keys.
24 May 2024, 09:34

Dear cTrader Team,

The KeyUp event in the Chart class is still missing, which is necessary to complete the Down-Up-cycle. 
KeyDown alone is not sufficient if I want to monitor and react to changes in the Shift key status, for example.

An even better solution would be to add the status of the Shift, Alt, and Ctrl keys directly to the Chart object, so it is available at any time.

I have tried some Windows key-capture APIs to work around this problem, but these APIs are usually not compatible with macOS without significant overhead.

The best solution would be to have access to the Control key status inside an algorithm.


Can I expect this to be available in the near time?



24 May 2024, 13:26

Hi Carsten,

We so not have short term plans for this unfortunately.

Best regards,



01 Sep 2024, 01:01

It would be nice to have this event handler soon.

