Default lot size for new windows - please help!

Created at 02 May 2024, 16:33
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Joined 05.03.2019

Default lot size for new windows - please help!
02 May 2024, 16:33

Hi all

When I opens a new window the lot size seems to defaults to 1.00 lot, which is crazy! :-( Why on earth isn't the standard set to minimum 0.01 lot for safety? It is my impressions that something has changed lately? It has cost me a lot of money because I was used to new windows opened with a standard lot size of 0.01? How do I set a standard lot size so that new windows always have minmum lot size as standard? Don't tell me that it will remember the lot size once I make a trade - it should be minmum from the moment I open a new window. Anybody who can help me?



02 May 2024, 16:52

I believe you have to set it for each symbol and it “remembers” your last setting.

So try the following:

  1. switch to your demo account
  2. place an order with the lot size you want for each symbol you are going to trade
  3. switch back to your live account, open up the order window, and see if it remembers the last trade you did.
