Horizontal line error

Created at 03 Feb 2015, 11:05
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Joined 03.02.2015

Horizontal line error
03 Feb 2015, 11:05


I am experiencing an error with horizontal lines on the chart sometimes floating on top of the chart and not displaying price correctly, when scrolling or rescaling the chart, please see the video for visual explanation: http://screencast.com/t/sGLP0OogobO6 - please notice the horizontal line labelled '1.50060' is floating above the chart and appears anchored to certain position on the screen instead being anchored to specific price level. This issue started few weeks ago and is present on cTrader Desktop (v1.27.133) on both Windows 7 and 8.1.


03 Feb 2015, 13:50

I just found some other threads with people experiencing the same/similar problem, sometimes occurring while changing timeframes, seems that this is quite an old issue and still no fix to that?


03 Feb 2015, 14:20

By the way there is another little issue with menus on top of the chart area. Not sure if I should report that in a new thread or elsehere. If mouse cursor is moved to a submenu too slowly then the menu will disappear (the cursor will activate the background of the button it seems and hide the chosen submenu) please see the following video that hopefully illustrates the issue rather clearly http://screencast.com/t/G4uK2ZWS301 . So I have to move my mouse quite precisely and quite quickly every time I navigate those menus.

This problem is most prominent in timeframes/ticks menu, and less of a problem in indicators submenus and is pretty much non existent in chart color submenus. Just wanted to add that the MouseHoverTime (registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Mouse) on my win7 is reduced to 30ms (instead of default 400ms) which exaggerates the problem but I can imagine that even with default settings the sub menu will dissapear if one moves the mouse cursor slow enough.

Also can anybody tell me what is the latest version of cTrader at the moment? and where can I do the update?


06 Feb 2015, 20:40

We have also seen this behavior in our Romanov Capital cTrader too. Spotware cTrader is almost always ahead of the version of all the brokers and is used as a preview of all new features and bugfixes to come. Last time I checked it (05.02.2015) that issue was present there. So the problem is known and not yet fixed ...
