Candlesticks keeps disappearing

Created at 01 Mar 2024, 14:44
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Joined 20.02.2024

Candlesticks keeps disappearing
01 Mar 2024, 14:44

This has happened 3 times in the past week now. The last 1-10 candlessticks would go missing for up to 30 minutes, across all charts, all timeframes, and all devices (iPhone, Macbook Air, Macbook Pro, Web Trader, Mac Desktop). Refreshing does not work. I'm sure it's not the broker because I use Tradingview charts by my broker, Pepperstone, whenever this happens.

Any fixes?


02 Mar 2024, 07:25

Hi there,

Can you share videos or screenshots demonstrating this issue?

Best regards,



27 Jun 2024, 12:30 ( Updated at: 28 Jun 2024, 07:00 )

Candlesticks keeps disappearing


How did you fix it. I have the same problem. Last Candlestick is 8:00 after that every candelstick disappears.

After 6 hours still no Change.
