Embedded .Net Compiler Output Not Recognised by VS

Created at 31 Jan 2024, 15:23
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Joined 25.11.2021

Embedded .Net Compiler Output Not Recognised by VS
31 Jan 2024, 15:23

When referenced projects are compiled with the embedded .net compiler other projects do not recognised when open in VS. 

When they are compiled in VS they are recognised.


01 Feb 2024, 06:46

Hi sirinath,

It is not clear what do you mean by “recognised”. How can we reproduce this problem?

Best regards,



01 Feb 2024, 07:30

RE: Embedded .Net Compiler Output Not Recognised by VS

VS does not see the build artifacts compiled the cTrader embedded compiler. So even if a reference to the project (indicator) is added it cannot be used in code. Until you also compile the Project (Indicator) using VS also. Then a VS project can reference, see or use the compiled artefacts and the indicator.

If you use other than the embedded compiler (e.g. .net 8) in cTrader this also gives issues.




01 Feb 2024, 08:59

RE: RE: Embedded .Net Compiler Output Not Recognised by VS

sirinath said: 

VS does not see the build artifacts compiled the cTrader embedded compiler. So even if a reference to the project (indicator) is added it cannot be used in code. Until you also compile the Project (Indicator) using VS also. Then a VS project can reference, see or use the compiled artefacts and the indicator.

If you use other than the embedded compiler (e.g. .net 8) in cTrader this also gives issues.



Hi sirinath,

I still do not understand. Please provide exact steps to reproduce the problem. Also note that only .Net 6.0 is supported at the moment.

Best regards,
