cTrader does not show Market Sentiment

Created at 01 Dec 2023, 19:55
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Joined 02.03.2021

cTrader does not show Market Sentiment
01 Dec 2023, 19:55

Good afternoon


By and large, the cTrader desktop displays Market Sentiment nearby the quick trade buttons above the charts. 

However, I have noticed that MS has been missing in the cases of XTI/USD, XBR/USD, XAG/EUR, XAG/AUD and some FX minor and FX exotics currency pairs.


Thanks for a clarification.


Best regards


Matej Varga


02 Dec 2023, 08:19

Hi there, 

Market sentiment is only available for Symbols with substantial open positions. Symbols that are not very popular amongst traders, do not show a market sentiment as it will not be a representative information.

Best regards,

