Provision to adjust indicator Panel with buttons to either side on the chart or create dropdown box or a shortcut "show/hide" button at the top rather than right click.

Created at 18 Sep 2023, 05:05
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Joined 23.11.2018

Provision to adjust indicator Panel with buttons to either side on the chart or create dropdown box or a shortcut "show/hide" button at the top rather than right click.
18 Sep 2023, 05:05

I suggest to make functional for traders to set where they want their indicators list/panel area with buttons to be set on chart (Top/bottom left; Top/Bottom Right) or could there be a function (dropdown box) to completely hide the indicator list/panel on the chart any further? For me Top right is a suitable place to have them.

Reason: When i have open/pending orders i am unable to adjust SL/TP or move/drag pending orders on chart with mouse. I will have to drag the chart downwards to be able adjust/ drag order. I prefer to do my orders on chart rather than open the order dialog box. Thanks.

Addition: I noticed there is a “show/hide” indicator tiles button to show or hide indicators panel list when you right click. Please can this be more smarter by adding a shortcut button at the top or a dropdown box similar to the one in the attached rather than doing a right-click?


04 Oct 2023, 07:50 ( Updated at: 05 Oct 2023, 05:28 )

Just to second this request to be able to hide the list of indicators. It would be very nice to have this feature added.
