Split Screen Multi TF Analysis for one pair

Created at 03 Jul 2023, 14:22
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Joined 18.08.2022

Split Screen Multi TF Analysis for one pair
03 Jul 2023, 14:22

It would be great if we could have a 'split screen' to view one pair on different Time frames and the drawings sync.

I only use Tradingview at the moment because of the split screen option and then execute on ctrader.

Three timframes would be perfect for me and make my life easier!!


04 Jul 2023, 02:15

Your suggestion would hold more weight and be more noticeable to Spotware if you decided to post this suggestion where it belongs (in the suggestion forum) instead of a technical help forum.




04 Jul 2023, 08:15

Hi there,

How is this different from having multiple linked charts side by side?

Aieden Technologies

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