The stopLimitRangePips parameter control is invalid

Created at 24 Jun 2023, 08:12
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Joined 07.06.2023

The stopLimitRangePips parameter control is invalid
24 Jun 2023, 08:12

2023.06.23 13:44:56.980 | StopLimit order to Sell 1.00 手数 USDJPY (Price: 142.878, SL: 10) is sent to server
2023.06.23 13:44:57.730 | → StopLimit order OID70159400 to Sell 1.00 手数 USDJPY (Price: 142.878, SL: 10) is ACCEPTED (23/06/2023 13:44:57.131 UTC+0)
2023.06.23 13:45:01.168 | → Stop_limit order to SELL 1.00 手数 USDJPY OID70159400 is FILLED at 142.719, position PID11856949 (23/06/2023 13:45:00.450 UTC+0)

limit Price: 142.878

FILLED at 142.719

142.878 - 142.719 = 0.159

double buyTargetPrice = Math.Round(Symbol.Bid - intervalPoints * Symbol.TickSize, Symbol.Digits);
double SL = 100.0 / (Symbol.PipSize / Symbol.TickSize) * stopLosPoints;
TradeResult res = PlaceStopLimitOrder(TradeType.Sell, SymbolName, volumeInUnits, buyTargetPrice, 30, MyLabel, SL, null, null, "mycomments", true);

stopLimitRangePips = 30
My understanding is that the price transaction range should be  142.848~142.908

Am I misunderstanding stopLimitRangePips?


24 Jun 2023, 08:34

I would like help with the interpretation of the stopLimitRangePips parameter


26 Jun 2023, 08:30

Hi there, 

The limit range is measured from the entry price towards the negative slippage side. In your case the limit is 142.878 - 30 pips = 142.578. So your execution was within the range

Aieden Technologies

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