How to retrieve my trading history

Created at 30 May 2023, 22:35
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Joined 27.05.2023

How to retrieve my trading history
30 May 2023, 22:35



Somehow my trading history is not available anymore in c trader ( desk top )

It started a few weeks ago, i could ot see history of the previous week but the history of the day itself was available.

Now i cannot see any history. Not in my live and not in my demo account.

What do i have to do to solve this?


Kind regards,

Dennis Droog


As you can see, the page is completly empty


31 May 2023, 08:24

Hi there, 

It's a known issue, try the workaround suggested in the link below


Aieden Technologies

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31 May 2023, 22:11


I already tried that, it didn't help.

Have you got any other suggestions?
