Full screen mode leaves a white line at the edge of extended monitor

Created at 06 May 2023, 00:48
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Full screen mode leaves a white line at the edge of extended monitor
06 May 2023, 00:48


I have 2 extended monitors to display cTrader Desktop filled with many charts. Each monitor opens a cTrader window.

The issue I have is that, when both windows are in full mode, I can see a white line at the edge of the other monitor at the side close to the full-screen mode cTrader, something like overlapping. For example below are photos:

This is a normal situation both window are in non-full-screen mode, and no white lines:

Below is the one with the problem, the upper window is in Full-screen mode, when it is active, you can see a white line at the top edge of the monitor down:

Below is the photo which a white line at the upper monitor down the edge, which is made by the full-screen mode of cTrader at the lower monitor:

The white lines are quite annoying, I would like to see if you could find the reason and fix it. Thanks.


13 Dec 2023, 08:19 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:23 )

I am having the same problem. Using ctrader fullscreen (f11) will show a large white/grey bar on the other screens:


13 Dec 2023, 13:57 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:23 )

RE: Full screen mode leaves a white line at the edge of extended monitor

Try clicking ‘fullscreen’ F11 from a size restored window,  if I click F11 ahead of the maximised window, the whiteline will be there. Good luck!

Sarpul said: 

I am having the same problem. Using ctrader fullscreen (f11) will show a large white/grey bar on the other screens:



14 Dec 2023, 06:44 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:23 )

RE: Full screen mode leaves a white line at the edge of extended monitor

Sarpul said: 

I am having the same problem. Using ctrader fullscreen (f11) will show a large white/grey bar on the other screens:

Hi there,

Thanks for reporting this. We managed to reproduce it and we will fix it in an upcoming update

Best regards,

