Sundays Charts

Created at 25 Apr 2023, 19:06
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Joined 23.06.2021

Sundays Charts
25 Apr 2023, 19:06

I would be extremely grateful if anyone out there could please help me out

I am trying to get screenshots together of brokers charts for Sunday (23/04/23) going into Monday (24/04/23) of the 1 minute timeframe preferably for GBAUD but any instrument exhibiting similar behaviour to the screenhots below would also be fine please (for me almost all of them were doing this)

I already have IC Markets Global (Raw Trading Ltd) and TradeViewMarkets but am looking for any/all other possible cTrader brokers please if you are a client of any of them

Thank you for your help it is very much appreciated


25 Apr 2023, 21:09

19 views so far and not a single reply/help :( where's the community here... or is that 19 spam bots


26 Apr 2023, 08:33

Hi Xammo,

I have that too but why do you need screenshots from others too?

Aieden Technologies

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26 Apr 2023, 12:14

To determine who's at fault

If only some brokers have this issue then it would rule out cTrader being at fault

If all brokers had this fault then either all cTrader brokers are using the same LP or cTrader was at fault

Or what do you have to say about why this happened? (and please don't tell me 'you don't trade Sundays so you are not concerned about it ;) I don't usually trade Sundays but when an opportunity presents itself yeh I'll take it!)


26 Apr 2023, 14:18

OK so Panagiotis is with TopFX from what he said on the Telegram chat so that's another broker that had the issue and either uses the same LP or increases the possibilty that cTrader was at fault

Nobody with Pepperstone? FXPro? any of the others? anybody willing to help out here please? or maybe at least confirm their broker did not have the issue at least that would rule out cTrader as being the cause of the problem (everyone here is trading using cTrader does this not alarm you that things like this can happen and nobody is being held accountable for it?!)

