DPI Awareness - Per Monitor

Created at 24 Jan 2023, 12:14
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Joined 20.02.2014

DPI Awareness - Per Monitor
24 Jan 2023, 12:14


When using cTrader desktop across multiple monitors with different resolutions and scaling percent values it doesn't rescale when moved between monitor.   cTrader instead scales to the scaling setting of the main display when the user logged onto Windows (this can be overridden to scale to the main monitors value when cTrader is opened although doesn't fix the scaling issue when moving windows between monitors).

This is due to cTrader having a DPI Awareness setting of "System" however there are more modern settings such as Per-Monitor and Per-Monitor (v2) which would force the cTrader window to rescale when moved to a different monitor with a different scaling setting.

Are the cTrader developers aware of this and are there any plans to update it?

Currently the end result is blurry test when moving to a monitor with a different scaling setting.

I'm encountering the problem on a desktop with 1 5k 27" monitor set at 200% scaling, and two 4k 27" monitors both set at 150%.

This Microsoft article provides further detail:

Windows scaling issues for high-DPI devices - Microsoft Support

I've attached a screenshot showing ctraders DPI Awareness value in task manager (and Visual Studios for comparison).



24 May 2023, 13:02

Any thoughts on this Ctrader team?




24 May 2023, 15:36

Dear trader, 

This improvement is in our plans but not for the next few updates.

Best regards,

cTrader Team
