Incorrect unrealized net profit in back testing

Created at 23 Sep 2022, 16:00
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Joined 23.09.2022

Incorrect unrealized net profit in back testing
23 Sep 2022, 16:00

Hi cTrader Support Team,

I noticed this bug for a couple of days now. The Unrealized Net Profit is incorrect which affects back testing my bots in cTrader Desktop.

As you can see in the screenshot, the Unrealized Net Profit value at the right bottom doesn't add up to $125.53 - which is the value that I expected by adding up the net profit/loss of all open positions.

I am using IC Markets cTrader 4.2.22. Can you please look into the issue?

Thank you and have a great day.

Kind regards,

Tuan Nguyen


24 Sep 2022, 04:37 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:22 )


nmt2796 said:

Hi cTrader Support Team,

I noticed this bug for a couple of days now. The Unrealized Net Profit is incorrect which affects back testing my bots in cTrader Desktop.

As you can see in the screenshot, the Unrealized Net Profit value at the right bottom doesn't add up to $125.53 - which is the value that I expected by adding up the net profit/loss of all open positions.

I am using IC Markets cTrader 4.2.22. Can you please look into the issue?

Thank you and have a great day.

Kind regards,

Tuan Nguyen


Hi cTrader Support Team,

I think updating to the latest version cTrader 4.3.12 fixes this bug. You can mark this as solved.


Tuan Nguyen
