.Net 6.0 Problems

Created at 01 Sep 2022, 00:00
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Joined 23.06.2021

.Net 6.0 Problems
01 Sep 2022, 00:00


I thought I would try out one of my bots on .Net 6.0.... bad move... hours later I am still unable to get things back to how they were

Trying to highlight what happened I first just tried updating the bot's .Net framework in VS2019 (yup totally not the way I know and anyway couldn't do it to 6.0) so then saw that it is done from within the code editor in cTrader so did that

opened it in VS2019 as that was what was installed (yup totally wrong too I know but was just playing around to get an idea of what was going on) and on trying to build it got the following errors

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error CS0234 The type or namespace name 'API' does not exist in the namespace 'cAlgo' (are you missing an assembly reference?) DCA2 C:\Users\Administrator\...

OK install VS2022 (have 2 X Beeks VPS's and VS2022 is not recommended to be installed on the OS - Windows Server 2012 R2 but installed it anyway)

did the same and got the same errors...

so then I just created a new bot and opened it up in VS2022 then it started up about 

Severity    Code    Description    Project    File    Line    Suppression State Error    NU1101    Unable to find package cTrader.Automate. No packages exist with this id in source(s): Microsoft Visual Studio Offline Packages    New cBot    C:\Users\Administrator\...

checked the installed NuGet Packages and cTrader.Automate is there but it says 'not available in this source' so doesn't look like it's happy...

Anyway obvioulsy I'm showing my total ignorance (although am not new round here/been through similar problems with all this but am losing the will to bother working this one out) and if there's any quick fire steps to resolve this that's great please let me know and will be gladly accepted but for now I just want to get things back to how they were so uninstalled cTrader (removed all the folders/2.0 etc) uninstalled all VS's restarted installed VS2019 and cTrader latest from IC Markets ( and tried to do things the old way but things are still totally messed up on this VPS

tried installing the VSIX thing too which seemed to install ok but still no joy

so in short... please can anyone let me know how to completely uninstall everything/all remnants to do with ctrader/VS (at one point I had cTrader 4.1 installed no idea how that happened/yeh it's a total mess I know... but it wasn't showing up in add/remove programs so no idea if something from that is still hanging around either) so yeh any where I can find complete instructions how to get everything totally removed and start again just with the latest cTrader and VS2019 all working like it used to please? (my other VPS is still on 4.1 (for some reason the Beeks VPS's seem to pick and choose when they realise there is an update and mostly seem never to bother about an update so I do them manually) and it, VS and the bots are all working just fine so at least I have one working system at the moment...







01 Sep 2022, 19:19

Cheers Panagiotis as always! You seem to have some magic touch it would seem as I had another crack at it today and no idea what was done differently (yeh I already followed those instructions as many times before/looks like they might need updating tho as I am not seeing a 2.0 folder with the latest install) and it is now working with .Net6.0 and VS2022! Result! Thank you will have to get the other VPS sorted too

(I also submitted a request via Ctrl/shift/T or whatever it is about the display dissapearing when I clicked between backtests - anyway that is sorted now too/no idea how to notify Spotware it's resolved)


12 Sep 2022, 14:01


I've installed 4.1 on both VPS's now (was going to keep one at 4.2 or 4.3 to keep an eye out for when things get sorted but actually realised I'd rather concentrate on trading and send good vibes Spotware's way in the hope they manage to nail the issue(s) quickly instead ;)

NOT urgent but neither VPS is showing 4.1 in add/remove programs - there is no 2.0 folder and when I went to install 4.1 on the second server that had at one time had 4.1 (which I couldn't uninstall for the above reasons) when I kicked off the install it opened 4.1 straight up rather than installing!

So yeh just for future reference is there some way to really ummm really really uninstall 4.1?




14 Sep 2022, 12:02

OK I get it now... 4.1 does not seem to be a proper full install rather it unpacks the .exe into a folder in the same directory, creates a few settings folders in appdata\roaming, the usual folders in documents (plus all the sample indi's/bots again that I delete... again... would be good to have an option to choose not to install the sample files btw have deleted them more times than I care to think of) and no 2.0 folder is created

So to really really uninstall 4.1 you just delete all the folders I guess (mine had been running from my downloads folder before I worked all this out! not too happy about that but anyway moved it now...)
