Unknown withdraw.

Created at 07 Nov 2014, 14:04
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Joined 23.01.2014

Unknown withdraw.
07 Nov 2014, 14:04


Today I got a withdraw on my account.

I did not initiate this transfer and my broker doesn't have a clue where it has come through.

I won't go into details here but it happened 06:12 UTC.

If someone from Spotware can explain what this might be since it is worrying that it can happen without my broker knowing what it is, they cannot even see it. Plus it is a problem for accounting & tax if there is a withdraw without explanation! And more importantly, where has it gone?


07 Nov 2014, 14:15

Please contact your broker regarding this issue.


07 Nov 2014, 14:20

The first support rep of my broker said to contact you.



07 Nov 2014, 14:42

Not sure why your broker has addressed this question to us. Normally this is broker responsibility to answer questions like this, unless broker considers technical issues, in this case broker must contact our support.
