PLEASE moderate and delete CRAP like this...!!!

Created at 17 Jun 2022, 13:21
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xabbu's avatar


Joined 20.07.2020

PLEASE moderate and delete CRAP like this...!!!
17 Jun 2022, 13:21

Dear spotware / cTrader website and community management,

the comment section below an indicator / cBot has lately become a source of spam and SEO links to other websites.

The latest example is here:


The published indicator is simple copied from an already existing one, without any modification. The "publisher" has an account exact on the date he copied the indicator. ALL comments under this worthless copy of an existing indicator are SPAM / SEO links - which have nothing to do with the whole website here.

It is an extreme example, but you find a lot of foreign SEO links in the comment section of many indicators and cBots.

Please take care of that, please...

Best regards,


17 Jun 2022, 15:01

Hi xabbu,

We are aware of the issue and we are building an updated site that will resolve it.

Best Regards,


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