Lagging indicator/misleading data

Created at 16 Jun 2022, 22:27
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Joined 16.06.2022

Lagging indicator/misleading data
16 Jun 2022, 22:27

Hi all! I am new to CTrader. I have had a peculiar problem, which is a handicap to my trading. Before I place a trade, I check all my indicators and the usual. The 2 hourly stochastic will be pointing up and when I have placed the trade and check the same indicator within minutes [ say 5-10 minutes], it will be pointing downwards. Such information is thus useless for someone who uses technical analysis to trade. It is as if the stochastic is lagging. I have tried using live data but the problem persists. In essence, I am getting false data, which is perplexing. Can anyone out there assist me, as to what to do?


17 Jun 2022, 10:56


All technical indicators last value will keep changing until it closes, so for tow hour stochastic you have to wait two hours for the last value to close and then use it, otherwise it can keep changing based on bar price changes.

It's not a bug nor a problem of cTrader, it's same across all platforms and it's how technical indicators work, and yes they are lagging.


21 Jun 2022, 19:10

RE: Lagging/misleading data

amusleh said:


All technical indicators last value will keep changing until it closes, so for tow hour stochastic you have to wait two hours for the last value to close and then use it, otherwise it can keep changing based on bar price changes.

It's not a bug nor a problem of cTrader, it's same across all platforms and it's how technical indicators work, and yes they are lagging.

Hi Amusleh,

Your explanation is useful but unfortunately, it is not what I talking about. 

I am talking about, where the two hourly stochastic was pointing up about 10 minutes ago [say 2.11 p.m] and within 10 minutes, the same 

indicator is now pointing downwards at 2.21 p.m. This is not possible, as 2 hours has not lapsed, so the bar/value has not been calculated. Had it been a lower timeframe, like 5 minutes

this explanation would make sense   
