Have Reverse Position swap TP and SL instead of deleting them

Created at 13 Jun 2022, 05:30
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Joined 02.12.2021

Have Reverse Position swap TP and SL instead of deleting them
13 Jun 2022, 05:30

I have just discovered that when I have a position open, and I want to reverse the direction, it removes my TP and SL and replaces them with the default ones for when I open a quick trade.

This is incredibly infuriating and counterintuitive: if I reverse a trade I expect the TP and SL to be swapped around, instead of being reset.

My quicktrade TP and SL were set to 2.5 pips each, and so it hit my SL immediately, so I lost money I shouldn't have lost. 

And doing it the non-quick trade way in the Modify Position window completely erases them altogether.

Please change this. Thank you
