On demo working on live crashing

Created at 05 May 2022, 20:29
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On demo working on live crashing
05 May 2022, 20:29

I created a bot and tested it for days on a demo account with different starting amounts. The testing went satisfactorily and I switched the demo account to Live. The bot crashed immediately. Tried several more pairs and returned to the demo after which the software ran without any problems. There was no mention in the journal, only that the software had stopped. What could be the cause?


06 May 2022, 07:50

Hi jmmslagter

  1. Please use the correct topic to post your problem
  2. Please share more information like the cBot's code and steps to reporduce the problem

Best Regards,


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06 May 2022, 10:51


The problem is in the marketdepth. Because I wanted to minimize the code (3000 lines), I removed this part and then the problem was over. Now I have some things to do. Sorry for the wrong category choice and thanks for the comment. grts Hans

PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi jmmslagter

  1. Please use the correct topic to post your problem
  2. Please share more information like the cBot's code and steps to reporduce the problem

Best Regards,


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