Define the type of MA in combination with several Timeframes.

Created at 13 Mar 2022, 20:18
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Define the type of MA in combination with several Timeframes.
13 Mar 2022, 20:18

I  have an MQL5 background and can read different MA values in various  Timeframes with, for example, the definition

int iTEMADefinitionClose =iTEMA(_Symbol,PERIOD_H4,8,0,PRICE_CLOSE);


iTEMA = Triple EMA.


In cAlgo I  have taken the cAlgo example:


public DataSeries Source {get;set;}

[Parameter(DefaultValue =14)]

public int periodfast {get;set;}

[Parameter(DefaultValue =24)]

public int periodslow {get;set;}

private TimeSeriesMovingAverage tsmfast;

private TimeSeriesMovingAverage tsmslow;

protectedoverridevoid OnStart()


            tsmfast = Indicators.TimeSeriesMovingAverage(Source, periodfast);

            tsmslow = Indicators.TimeSeriesMovingAverage(Source, periodslow);


protectedoverridevoid OnTick()


//If TSMA with period 14 moves above TSMA with period 24

if(tsmfast.Result.LastValue > tsmslow.Result.LastValue)


//Do something



How can I define the timeframe and the type of MA (HullMA, EMA etc.)? An answer in the form of example code is sufficient.




14 Mar 2022, 08:26

Hi jmmslagter,

Here is an example on how you can feed an indicator with data from another timeframe.

var tsmfast = Indicators.TimeSeriesMovingAverage(MarketData.GetBars(TimeFrame.Hour).ClosePrices, 14);

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14 Mar 2022, 11:30


PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi jmmslagter,

Here is an example on how you can feed an indicator with data from another timeframe.

var tsmfast = Indicators.TimeSeriesMovingAverage(MarketData.GetBars(TimeFrame.Hour).ClosePrices, 14);

Best Regards,


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Thank you very much, I was thinking to much MQL5.
