Orders not being placed and then disappearing.

Created at 08 Nov 2021, 21:59
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Joined 08.11.2021

Orders not being placed and then disappearing.
08 Nov 2021, 21:59

I need assistance please.

Yesterday as markets were closed I set two trades. On market opening and despite the price being reached my trades did not go ahead. They even disappeared from my orders and are no where to be seen. I have checked history and it is empty.

It has happened before so this time I took photos of the trades to know I was not losing my mind. Both trades would have hit taken profit.

Can anyone help?





09 Nov 2021, 08:08

Hi stephclarke10,

It is better to talk to your broker regarding execution issues. They have all the information to explain what happened.

Best Regards,


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10 Nov 2021, 12:48

Dear Panagiotis,

I might be wrong, but look at the required sell margin. 14.000 GBP for 0.7 Lots?

We discussed a very similar issue with the order placement on my cBot and I could get the impression that something within cTrader is running not correctly. I don't want to interfere with this case here, only mentioning that are some similarities to my case, even if I place the trades with a cBot and in this case they are placed manually

Best regards to Cyprus,

