strange est. margin calculation numbers

Created at 02 Nov 2021, 15:22
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Joined 20.07.2020

strange est. margin calculation numbers
02 Nov 2021, 15:22


I got these strange number if I check a pending order. Why is that and what can I do? (latest cTrader desktop version, was also before upate)


02 Nov 2021, 15:29 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:22 )

and this is shown and will happen if I adjust to 0.09 and than back again to 0.1 with the little up/down arrows:




03 Nov 2021, 16:39

Hi xabbu,

Can you please restart cTrader, reproduce the issue and send us some troubleshooting information (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T)? If you can also record the process, it would be helpful.

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04 Nov 2021, 09:34 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:22 )

the bug works also in the other direction, cTrader (and Windows) is restartet reveral times. TO what adress should I send the report, Panagiotis?

first picture checking pending order after placement / second modify to 0.5 lots / third modify back to initial volume 





04 Nov 2021, 09:36

the order is triggered with an algo and the following command:

PlaceStopLimitOrderAsync(type, SymbolName, volume, price, 3, InstanceName, stoploss, takeprofit, expiration, comment,
            true, OrderTriggered);


04 Nov 2021, 09:40

Hi xabbu,

The report will be sent autmatically to us. Just press the relevant combination of keys inside cTrader, paste a link to this discussion inside the text box and press submit.

You can send the video at

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04 Nov 2021, 10:36

Panagiotis, did you and your team received the file? Kindest regards



04 Nov 2021, 10:42

Hi xabbu,

Yes we did, thank you!

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04 Nov 2021, 14:20 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:22 )

Panagiotis, another problem occures multiple time and I don't know if it's connected or not:

A pending order is placed by the cBot and and the system accepts this order. After a while (or some time immediatly) the order is CANCELLED by the system, I can't recognise any pattern. No other running cBot as any cancelling pending order commands implemented, I have absolutly no clue WHY the system cancels a pending order (exepted when the expiration time is reached, of course):



or here:



04 Nov 2021, 14:23

Hi xabbu,

Can you share your cBot code?

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04 Nov 2021, 14:29

sorry, due to a signed NDA that is not possible. The command to open the pending order is:

PlaceStopLimitOrderAsync(type, SymbolName, volume, price, 3, InstanceName, stoploss, takeprofit, expiration, comment,
            true, OrderTriggered);


and there are NO cBots running which could interfere with a pending order or no commands in the cBot which close a pending order



04 Nov 2021, 14:33

Hi xabbu,

Unfortunately a single line of code is not enough for us to reproduce the problem. You can also check your broker to identify execution issues.

Best Regards,


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