Trade View Markets Demo

Created at 24 Sep 2021, 17:56
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Joined 23.06.2021

Trade View Markets Demo
24 Sep 2021, 17:56

I opened an account with TVM a few months ago (quite a bumpy ride but as long as don't have to communicate too much with them so far it has been 'ok')

I realised months ago that the demo account (am trading live but want to run forward test of the cBots in parallel) was applying a combination of the higher spreads AND commision from the two types of live accounts they provide

I contacted them about this and nothing was done/the tech guy apparently denied there was any issue/I started to doubt what I was seeing/they said they would contact spotware but I've not heard anything in months so I just went ahead with forward testing regardless

Now I have realised that positive swaps are being applied on every instrument I have checked of 0.5 and 0.1 pips (at one point it was 5 and 1 pips)

I contacted them about this and days later not hearing anything back have contacted them again now and am being told something along the lines of  'demo accounts are only for getting used to the platform they are not representative in any way of real world conditions!'

After telling them that is not the case with other brokers I am with they have offered to set the swaps 'something close' to the live swaps

I don't care if they are exactly the same (doesn't seem to be a problem with other brokers) but obviously positive 0.5 and 0.1 swaps make any kind of forward testing completely pointless

I told them I would contact spotware to ask about this and was told 'great sure let me know what they say!' so here I am...

ALSO back at the begining when I requested the demo account (not at all easy with TVM) I was told it had been setup and the only way I could think they had managed to do it was by signing in to my CTID

I asked them if they had access to my account/password and was told 'we are the BROKER we can see everything!!!'

I have to say I was quite annoyed about this and the way I was being spoken to but is this really the case that my login details are visible to the brokers?

There was something else I noticed when changing my password to one I don't use anywhere else but cannot remember what it was now but something to do with a general total lack of any kind of security on the CTID... I know in a way there is not much 'in there' but still it seems odd this is the way it is setup


Thanks any feedback greatly received






27 Sep 2021, 07:58

Hi Max,

Trading conditions are a responsibility of the broker. Spotware is not involved in this at all. Regarding your password, your broker does not know your password but they can access and manage your trading account through their back end systems.

Best Regards,


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27 Sep 2021, 20:39


Hi Panagiotis

Many thanks as always for the reply and clarification which I guess is basically saying I am at the mercy of TVM's tech guy who doesn't seem to think cTrader is for forward testing and/or seem to want to put the time/effort into making the demo anything worthwhile which is obviously a shame but it is what it is and will just have to deal with it...




27 Sep 2021, 22:16


Just been informed the demo swaps have been updated to be the same as the live swaps - nice one

