Zoom In on Indicator Windows and Main Window

Created at 10 Aug 2021, 15:32
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Joined 07.10.2020

Zoom In on Indicator Windows and Main Window
10 Aug 2021, 15:32


I know that zooming on indicator windows is not implemented yet. :)

I wondered if the possibility of zooming in can be added. This is important when parts of the indicator is peaking, and you want to have a greater look of what's going on in main zone of the indicator ( and your screen is small, or you have many indicators that is filling up your screen ).

Can this be implemented too? :P

Best regards,

Johannes Hillestad Baumann


17 Sep 2021, 19:01


Zoom in works on the main window. I don't know why I didn't notice...

Hopefully this is a function on indicator windows in the future. :)

Best regards,

Johannes Hillestad Baumann
