Please stop changing buttons dispositions

Created at 18 Mar 2021, 14:04
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Joined 31.07.2018

Please stop changing buttons dispositions
18 Mar 2021, 14:04

This morning i woke up to the new ctrader 4.0 update and once done, i was devastated! My mind now has to readjust to your new dispositions. If i want to change a timeframe now i have to look up instead of up left in the chart window and please imagine i have 10 differents charts in my layout and want to change each of their timeframes. Couldn't be a way of changing a group of charts timeframe at once without having to do the 1 by 1 torture? Please help make our lives easy.


18 Mar 2021, 20:16


eddyfursy said:

This morning i woke up to the new ctrader 4.0 update and once done, i was devastated! My mind now has to readjust to your new dispositions. If i want to change a timeframe now i have to look up instead of up left in the chart window and please imagine i have 10 differents charts in my layout and want to change each of their timeframes. Couldn't be a way of changing a group of charts timeframe at once without having to do the 1 by 1 torture? Please help make our lives easy.


Yep... said the same, as have a lot of others by the looks of it!
