worse update 4.0

Created at 18 Mar 2021, 11:23
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Joined 22.11.2017

worse update 4.0
18 Mar 2021, 11:23

Sorry to have to say but the new update really does not benefit us multi traders. Several functions have been made difficult and I must say that I am quite close to giving up trading with you.
For example, I can no longer see what the workspace is called. Previously, the name was listed next to the account number. Then I have maybe 4 workspaces with 10 markets each and with 4 different layouts / settings. If some of the 10 markets need to change setting I can no longer move the mouse over a given symbol but have to leave the chart to go up in the top line.
Every time I have to insert a new template / setting on a chart, I have to right-click to find TEMPLATE and only then be able to insert the named template which is in the submenu. I have been working with your platform for now over 4 years, and this update is the worst of its kind in relation to trading from the PC.


Best regards

