Ctrader 4 New Features

Created at 17 Mar 2021, 17:59
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Joined 02.04.2020

Ctrader 4 New Features
17 Mar 2021, 17:59

Along with the upgrades included in Ctrader 4 there are several down grades.


If the tool bar is continually being moved around from 1 version to another, at least make it customizable by the user.

Being able to pick and choose which buttons to have and where on the screen we want it located would be a sensible addition.


In addition, not having a clear display of which workspace is current without having to hover over a button to identify runs risk of unwanted changes being made in incorrect work spaces.


The vacant space at the top of the screen between account details and the new tool bar location could possibly house the right hand tool bar, giving that extra little bit of chart space on the right.

Especially as the chart time denominations show a max of 10 options plus the 3 dots for expanding the selections. This prevents the tool bar from encroaching on the unused space in which the second tool bar could be placed.


It's also disappointing to see that a broader selection of, or variable Tick chart denominations has been omitted once again.


18 Mar 2021, 20:17


robcov0 said:

Along with the upgrades included in Ctrader 4 there are several down grades.


If the tool bar is continually being moved around from 1 version to another, at least make it customizable by the user.

Being able to pick and choose which buttons to have and where on the screen we want it located would be a sensible addition.


In addition, not having a clear display of which workspace is current without having to hover over a button to identify runs risk of unwanted changes being made in incorrect work spaces.


The vacant space at the top of the screen between account details and the new tool bar location could possibly house the right hand tool bar, giving that extra little bit of chart space on the right.

Especially as the chart time denominations show a max of 10 options plus the 3 dots for expanding the selections. This prevents the tool bar from encroaching on the unused space in which the second tool bar could be placed.


It's also disappointing to see that a broader selection of, or variable Tick chart denominations has been omitted once again.


Exactly everything I said a couple of days ago - along with a lot of other people now by the looks of it. Might cast a vote haha
